Preeti To Nepali Unicode
Free online Preeti to Nepali Unicode convertor, converts traditional Nepali Preeti font charactors into Nepali Unicode. It also converts other popular fonts like Kantipur to unicode, Kanchan to unicode, Mangal to unicode, Sagarmatha to unicode. As unicode is a machine readable font, which is widely used in email, internet and smart devices. As preeti font is not machine readable so we developed this tools to make less effort to make preeti font to Unicode. It makes easy to sending or publishing any document in email or internet in Nepali.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is unicode ?
Unicode is an International encoding standard for assigning a unique numeric value to letter, digit, or symbol of different languages and scripts.
What is Nepali Unicode ?
Nepali Unicode is a set of unique numeric value that is assigned to render Nepali letter, digit, as well as symbol.
How to use Preeti To Unicode online tool ?
As Preeti font is widely used for Nepali typing, you must have the knowledge of preeti font and charactors before using this tools. First go to input section, either type or past preeti font in this section, you will see the Nepali conversion of your input in next text area.
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